Sam Hughes from The Sound Architect caught up with the Horizon Zero Dawn sound team to talk about its sound and music.
Continue Reading In-depth interview with The Sound ArchitectBafta nominations for sound and music!
Horizon Zero Dawn earned eight Bafta nominations, amongst which a nomination for both audio achievement and music!
Several GANG award nominations!
The sound and music team from Horizon Zero Dawn got nominated for several GANG awards!
The Sound Design Secrets of Horizon Zero Dawn
Marshall McGee interviews my colleagues Anton Woldhek and Pinar Temiz about the sound design in Horizon Zero Dawn.
The Sound Architect: Horizon Zero Dawn Audio Review
The Sound Architect reviews the sound design, music and dialog from Horizon Zero Dawn.
“The most beautiful sound in Horizon Zero Dawn”
When asked what the most beautiful sound in the game was for me, there was only one possible answer for me - my daughter Laura.
Guerrilla Interview about Killzone 3
"Control Magazine" talks to Senior Sound Designer Lucas van Tol about the sounds in Killzone 3